
100kN Static Penetrometer (10t)
Tecnical Features
The instrument is also supplied in the “module” version for customized assemblies and in the trolley-mounted version.
The reading of the qc-fs values is carried out by means of two high precision and differentiated scale pressure gauges or by means of an electronic cell.
The thrust device is anchored to the ground automatically, using two hydraulic wrenches that drive 2 large diameter continuous propellers (Ø 130 × 1250 mm) into the ground, to which extension rods can be added.
You can run:
- static penetrometric tests with hydraulic reading of the resistance values, using a standard Begemann tip and extension rods of 1000 mm in length;
- DPH dynamic penetrometric tests, variable standards on request, coaxial to the hole of the static test;
- continuous probing, coaxial to the hole of the static test, using an automatic probe unit with screw auger (Ø 65 mm);
- sampling with low noise levels, using a special pressure core that supplies samples in PVC punches (Ø 40-60 mm).
Dimensions and weights
Total weight of the 550kg module version:
- column: 500kg
- 10Hp petrol engine control unit: 50 kg
Total weight of tracked version about 1000kg:
Max inclination: 35% on the side, 45% on the front
ATTENTION: weights and measures may vary with changes and improvements to the project.
Before purchasing, go to the company with your own means of transport to check the transportability of the penetrometer!
Considerations of the geologist
- Transport: The instrument is made up of a motor unit and a driving system and a 10-piece battery of rods.
- All equipment can be driven by 1 person.
- Use: The small footprint allows the instrument to be transported even in narrow spaces in cellars and gardens.
- Lithotypes indicated for this instrument:
Clays, silt, loose or medium-thickened sands, low-consistency stone materials - Maximum investigable depth: 20-25m. It depends on the consistency of the ground in the first meters, in which the anchoring augers must be driven.
Locomotion systems

Cingo Merlo M800

TC50 Messersi
Optional supplies

Soil survey group
Optional equipment

Sampler for undisturbed