Warranty conditions - Geo Deep Drill

Warranty conditions

  1. The Seller guarantees the regular operation and good quality of all the parts of the machines, for a period of 12 months from the date of delivery.
  2. More specifically, it undertakes to replace, free of charge, at its headquarters (at the Bondeno site), all those parts that in the aforementioned period become useless due to an ascertained material defect. It means that each instrument is shipped at the expense of the purchaser, under warranty or excluding warranty. Agreements for collection and delivery with the courier must be defined in agreement with GDD.
  3. The services of the Technicians provided outside the Seller’s premises, for replacement and warranty repairs, are in any case borne by the Purchaser.
  4. All the services given as a guarantee at the Seller’s premises are charged to the same.
  5. The parts to be repaired or replaced under warranty will be sent by the Purchaser to the Seller, carriage paid, within a maximum period of 20 days.
  6. Failure to deliver within the aforementioned deadline will entitle the Seller to invoice the repair and / or new parts sent.
  7. The warranty does not include: failures caused by lack of maintenance and lubrication, inexperience in use, incorrect positioning and assembly of components or other causes not attributable to the Seller.
  8. The warranty is void if the Purchaser has not carried out an adequate training course held by the Seller’s technicians.
  9. Consumable parts are excluded from the warranty, such as: rods, tips, stop terminals, augers; due to the impossibility of verifying the suitability of the soil in which they are driven into.
  10. Any compensation for damages to things or people is always excluded.
  11. For internal combustion engines and hydraulic components not manufactured by the Seller, the warranty conditions provided by the manufacturers apply.

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Geo Deep Drill

Via Virgiliana,130
44012 Bondeno FE - Italy

How to reach us